Pine Bark: How Does It Affect The Brain?

Pine Bark: How Does It Affect The Brain?

Pine bark is a tree native to southern France that has numerous health benefits. Its first application goes all the way back to the 1500s, during which it was utilized to treat scurvy among French explorers.

Today, the bark extract is used as an herbal supplement to treat a variety of ailments due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergic, and even antibacterial activities in the body. Most notably, pine bark has been shown to improve brain function. Let’s explore how it works and what the science says.

How does pine bark work?

The pine bark extract contains a unique blend of antioxidants called oligomeric proanthocyanidin compounds (OPCs). Proanthocyanidins, on the other hand, are not limited to pine bark extract and may also be found in peanut peel, grape seed, and witch hazel bark.

The extract's principal active components include antioxidant plant chemical compounds and polyphenols such as procyanidins, phenolic acids, and catechins.

  • Procyanidins are the primary active components in the pine bark extract, and they account for the majority of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Catechins are native antioxidants that help protect molecules and cells from oxidative stress by lowering free radical production in the body and preventing cell damage.
  • Phenolic acids are yet another form of antioxidant with anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pine bark extract for brain function and health

Pine bark extract enhances brain function and health in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Pine bark increases cerebral blood flow

Water-soluble polyphenols are the primary active component of pine bark extract. Bioflavonoids such as taxifolin and catechin, as well as phenol carbonic acids, are included.

Bioflavonoids, an antioxidant, increase the expression of blood vascular nitric oxide (NO) synthase. Endothelial cells (blood vessel linings) then release NO as a result.

Blood flow in the brain is difficult to assess. So, researchers used Pycnogenol in a double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study to examine forearm blood flow reactions to acetylcholine (ACh).

The study included healthy young men who were given a placebo or 180 mg of Pycnogenol per day for 2 weeks. The group that took pycnogenol experienced a substantial increase in their blood flow.

The researchers next used a NO synthase inhibitor, which entirely eliminated the blood flow increases caused by pycnogenol. They determined that pycnogenol boosted blood flow via increasing nitric oxide generation in blood vessels (1).

  • Pine bark improves cognition
  • Neurohackers claim that taking pine bark extract improves memory, focus, mood, and decision-making. This was confirmed in a clinical environment by researchers.

    In the study, 60 people between the ages of 35 and 55 volunteered to have alcohol, diet, and lifestyle habits, including exercise, strictly monitored. For 12 weeks, half of the participants were given 50 mg of pycnogenol three times per day. The remaining half simply led a healthy lifestyle.

    Pycnogenol supplementation resulted in a 16% rise in mood, an 8.9% improvement in mental performance, a 13.4% rise in attentiveness, and a 30% reduction in oxidative stress after 12 weeks. A 13% improvement in attention span might not even appear to be significant. However, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the typical American's attention span has shrunk from 12 to 8 seconds (2). This reduction in attention span may have a significant impact on productivity and work quality. So taking Pine Bark could be the simplest approach to enhance your productivity substantially.

    1. Pine bark promotes working memory

    In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers from Australia worked with 101 individuals (aged 60 to 85 years). For three months, participants were given 150 mg of pycnogenol daily.

    Working memory, attention, psychomotor performance, and episodic memory were among the cognitive tasks assessed in the study. The study established that the pycnogenol-using group improved their working memory (3).

    Final Word

    So, it appears that pine bark may be the ingredient you're searching for to help promote your brain function and health. Consider Focus by Cerus Performance, which contains pine bark and other powerful nootropics, which can offer you incredible brain health and function benefits.



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